Monday, July 24, 2006


前几年常听说Karak Highway出现无良兼无耻的拖车员,

总可以在车祸发生后, 迅速抵达现场, 比警察还快!
"I am always by your side."

从发生意外到被好心人送去Kelana Jaya Medical Center,
我才刚踏进医院的门, 我的电话就响了!
我还以为这么巧她找我聊天, 我也不打算告诉她我刚遇车祸.
谁知, 我一声"哈啰..",
她就很焦急的问:"怎么了? 你现在觉得怎么样?"
我一头雾水, 我又一声"Huh?",
她说:"你刚刚撞车嘛! 有人打电话给你哥哥说你撞车了!.."
哇!!! 我妈妈的天地线也不短哦! 哈哈..
盖了电话后, 我百思不得其解.
我在想, 谁这么笨蛋和八卦打电话回家?
后来, 我们才知道,
(因为是谁先到, 就是谁的生意.)
于是他们靠着Road Tax的号码,

后来, 弟弟也赶来医院了.
原来不是, 他们是拖车员.
弟弟被告知, 我姐姐已经在现场签名同意让他们把车子拖走,
但是因为某原因(我也不懂是什么), 要求我弟弟到现场去看看.
其实, 我姐没签过任何文件,
况且在我弟弟被夹走的当儿, 她还没到现场!
岂有此理啊! 这班人真的是鬼话连篇!

这班无耻的人, 竟然打电话给我爸妈加盐加醋!
说我伤得很重啦, 车子已经被人翻乱了啦, 还有人偷东西..
我人还好好的, 车子在我们被送走之前已经锁好车门了, 偷他的头啊?!!
他们这样乱讲话, 把我爸妈吓坏了!
可怜他们已经是六十余岁的老人家, 担心得坐立不安.
我们真的好生气, 他们把人搞得人心惶惶,
目的是要我们乱了脚步, 然后胡里胡涂地给他们生意. 休想!!!

最后, 我们把生意给了第一个到达现场的拖车员.

如果有类似的事情发生, * Touched wood! 大吉利事! *
当然. 还是同样一句话:"小心驾驶."

如果他能提供足够的"贡献"给Sergeant, 他就平安无事.


ikzq said...

those 拖车员 is not as bad as u may think, 2 years ago, on chinese new year, a gila aunty ram into my car, and scolded me for speeding which i only doing 40km/h. welll that is another story.

So less than 5 mins, a 拖车员 already arrive in that location, i mean seriously, chinese new year!! and yet they can arrive so fast. I think Malaysia police, bomba and ambulance should really learn from them.

Okie back to the story, the 拖车员 didnt say anything he come down and straight away take pics of the scene, and fight for me, coz i am right. Then he toll my car away and bring me to police station.

Wat is cool is, the police station is PACKED, way PACKED with people. and i have to wait for my turn which maybe take hours. The 拖车员 do something to the police, and the police ask me to come into a room. and GUESS wat!, the police type everything for me, i dont even need to type a single things, i only realise the police was rasuah already. HAHHAHAHAH i got everything done in 15 mins ^^.

Then blah blah blah, and so on, i dont have to pay a single cent, coz i charge the Gila sial aunty punya insurance, served her right, even teh rasuah is on her MUAHAHHAHAH

Anonymous said...

ikzq, I din mean all the 拖车员 also like that bad. I just mean some of them. =)
Yeah, the 拖车员 will settle down all other "extra charges" with the policemen. That's a bit ridiculous when you see there is a badge on their uniform "Saya anti-rasuah".. >.<|||

Ang Gu Gu said...

lol =p don always accident or else insurance all close down...~

雅文 said...

hmmm...... jaNeSSe,你要小心驾驶哦,现在是农历七月了…… 有点邪门……
哈哈…… 可是看了你的文章,又好像觉得人比鬼更恐怖?

jaNeSSe said...

ang gu gu, I don wish to meet accident 1 ah.. ='(

雅文, 是啰. 至少鬼是人不犯它,它不"烦"人. 但是驾车最害怕是遇到那些糊涂鬼和失魂鬼. =.=

Anonymous said...

"I am always by your side". I like this statement. How good if bf tell gf or vice versa but too bad if those 拖车员 always by your side.

In this society, hardly to find a such a kind-hearted like tat. You should feel lucky because you meet one when you are in trouble although he is a stranger to you.

"Saya anti-rasuah"!Every police said that but how could they live if they not makan duit. Life is cruel and that is life.

Anonymous said...

definitely agree with you about the tow man or call man. they really high efficient and they are always the first one on the scene. the reason why they will arrive that fast, first is people who call them to tell them there is an accident will get pay second their networking is super good... walkie-talkie, pager and all you can think of. just for your information if you are the first 1 who call them to tell them there are an accident, you might get more than 100 depends on the seriouness of the car crash. in your case they can get more than 200 i think. second, just like you said first come first serve basic. so they wanto get there asap. can you imagine from TC to Batu 4( Sg. Isap) they only take less than 10 min. i had few ride when they on can you imagine i just sit tight, hold tight, quiet and freak out.. damn that is scary....
beside that, they always get into it's common for them... so dont even need to give a damn. if you dont know anyone just give to the first guys come if not they will fight... that is just simply their way of life.

Lee Keong...

jaNeSSe said...

anonymous, hi there, yeah, I feel I was really the lucky one because many people helped me out. ^_^

LeeKeong, "i had few ride when they on call.." You were part-time tow-man ah?? Why did you experience it? BTW, I dono where is Sg. Isap.. Haha.. Where ler? Paya Besar there?

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