Wednesday, July 12, 2006


自小, 爸爸就不允许我们喝咖啡.
他认为喝太多咖啡会致癌, 造成糖尿病, 还有会上瘾.
※ 咖啡爱好者,别shoot 我哦! 这只是个人想法, 也不是重点. =) ※

因此, 小时候,

以前真的连Kopi糖也没怎么出没在我家里. *Yam-Gong!*
不过呢, 小孩子总有不听话的时候.
趁爸爸外出, 我们便到附近的kopitiam打包kopi ais. Kekeke...

报告! 名列前茅的有:

Milo (宽容心”爆灯”, 永久性支持.)
(也许是Glucose, 有Vitamin 呱!)
(一样有Vitamin 啰!)
(乳酸菌饮品, 够营养嘛!)
(偶尔, 但这”偶尔”只限小时候哦! 哈哈!)

除此之外, 印象中还有Horlick, Ovaltine..
Hmm.. 还有一个同样这类的饮品.

Aikss.. 忘记名字了.
一男一女, 男的戴着蓝色帽子, 女的头上绑着牛角.

好啦.. 长大啦..
离开家里, 到KL读书啦..
早课break时, 人家首先排队买早餐, 我却先买Nescafe来灌.
早课哩, 如果不喝Nescafe,
我会把lecture hall当鱼塘, 自个儿在那儿”钓鱼.
所以大概每天都喝, 朋友说我迟早中Nescafe毒. >.<

后来, 上了UTAR,
我鲜少出现在早课或lecture了. *Pai-seh*
所以也只有在接近考试”赶火车”的时候才猛灌Nescafe. =_=
偶尔会order kopi ais来提提神罢了.

昨天爬起床上班, 睏死了!
Pianonee给我泡了一杯kopi. * 谢谢你哦! ^_^ *
想知道? 叫她blog起来吧! 哈哈!)

是累, 但是睡不着!
非常痛苦. >.<


P/S: By the way, what's the difference between coffee and kopi???
(Except 1 is english, 1 is Malay.. =.=)


ikzq said...

i last time also dont like coffe one. Every morning only milo milo milo and milo all the way till working life.

Then when i start working here, i wanted to try out how does a netscafe tasste like...

So i pour in 7 small tease spoon of netscafe power and 4 tease spoon of milk powder. and hey there aint any sugar anymore. The next day i got sick half day ahhahahahahaha

But later on i start to get addicted like u, everymorning no netscafe, no day hahahah. ur dad r right kekekk

Angie Tan said...

ehhh... kopi is made by the apek by crushing the beans manually, and then they apek will boil the water + kopi bean inside. :P

coffee, is just the same but then, usually we refer to that one as made with nescafe.


Haiii... I also addicted to kopi/coffee liao. Must have 1 cup or else, whole day not "song". Hmmmm...

BTW, seems that kopi/coffee will make you go toilet oso (big and small one). Kekeke

[NottY]Nee said...

agree with Angie on (kopi/coffee will make you go toilet) ^^

Janeese, you really blog about this ah? What pattern i got when i make coffee? hahaa.. don't say like that, else A*S promote me to become pantry lady for making coffee how? hahaa...

and sorry for letting you can't sleep at night >.<|| maybe too geng liao...

Ikzq, Your story I knew before ahhahaa, How can you treat coffee as MILO?? 7 tea spoons? ahhaaa... (can mati one ler)

ok Janeese, today I am not in office, how's your day? drink coffee mah? haha.. I wake up this morning, i discover that my left hand side stomach very pain, what is that? then I decided not to go office and continue to sleep, now when i wake up, is ok already, still got a little bit pain but is ok... how am i going to take MC ahhh??? sei..

jaNeSSe said...

ikzq, I remember the first time I made a cup of coffee here. I put 3 or 4 TABLE SPOONS of coffee powder, Jayne and Pianonee saw it, shocked, stop me! And I remember Jayne helped me to throw away half of the coffee powder in the cup.. So your 7 tea spoons is quite incredible~~ HA! You thought of drinking drink Kopi "gao"?? Hahahaha...

angie, thanks for your explanation of kopi/coffee. ^_^ Kopi will make ppl go toilet for BIG 1 meh? Have to do some experiments next time. Haha..

pianonee, you want me to blog about your pattern ah? No problem, but have to see whether people wanna know. Anyone? ^_^
By the way, why you always call my name so cheeEEEsy 1? Is "janeSSe", not "janEEse".. =.=|||

ikzq said...

ahhahahaha only some remember wat happen on that incident. i think alvin was there also.

The very day, i was sitting on the chair 100% motionless. they touch me i cant move, they push me i fall down. it is like corspe on the chair like that ahhahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

"咖啡麻醉不了自己... ...".
咖啡令我想起< 林宇中 - 靠岸 >这首歌,好好听哟!!!
本人没有喝咖啡的习惯, 但为了不要在office里”钓鱼”只好喝咯. 不过, 最近戒掉了.
jaNeSSe, 咖啡真的对身体不好. 喝少点唷.

jaNeSSe said...

ikzq, you drink coffee in that way should let you have superb-energy, how come you become so dull on the chair? Lastly, did you go to hospital to 洗胃? Haha...

文森, 歌词应该是"咖啡麻醉不了孤单.."吧? >.<|||
但是, 我绝对赞同你, < 林宇中 - 靠岸 >非常好听.. ^_^

Anonymous said...

哈哈!!! paiseh paiseh...

Anonymous said...

coffee is my all time drink. i need a cup of coffee when i wake up.. even in the office, they only provide coffee there.. so what to do when you are sleepy or tired??? coffee break.... but sometime it;s just not a good habit. i think drink too many cooffee in a day wil cause gastric

Lee Keonng

jaNeSSe said...

LeeKeong, Milo is not exported to Canada? Of course there are some other chocolate drinks instead of just coffee, right? Do you want me to DHL some Milo for you? Haha.. Don drink too many coffee ya. ^_^

Anonymous said...

ofcoz we have milo here but.. the price is crazy.... i'm not sure u wanto drink it or not... 30 packs of 3 in 1 milo probably cause about RM30.... hahahaha.. so you stil wanto drink milo??? but we have hot chocolate here which is more creamy and rich... but milo stil the best... hahahaha....

Lee Keong

Anonymous said...

以前的我 如果系去 mamak
一定会叫 Teh O Ice
自从报道话 大马的 mamak
80% 系用 有色素的 茶粉
已家只会叫 milo O ice
至少 sihat dan kuat 呱

我唔知道 不过我相信 心瘾
会令你不知不觉的想再 饮

周不时我都会一个人去 Arrios
叫杯 esspreso 或者 latte
睇书吸烟 发吓白日梦 又一日
好似好傻噢 不过没所谓
自己喜欢就好 =)

jaNeSSe said...

LeeKeong, dont drink too much hot chocolate there then, because you said that is more CREAMY.. get FAT ah!!!! Hahahaha...

孔巨基, 哈啰! 请问Arrios在哪儿啊? *Pai Seh* 你觉得享受就好啦. 管他傻不傻的, 不犯法就好 (例如:变态狂.. 哈哈..), 对吗?

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