假使他说你的命是皇帝命, 运程好得很, 一生一帆风顺,
是否相信他说的, 是另外一件事,
但是你听了, 当然会很开心, 暗爽.
如果他说你一生劳碌命 , 官非不断, 有血光之灾, * 好衰哦. =.= *
即使你嘴巴念着: 我都不相信这些.
但是心里总会有一点点担心和不高兴吧. 对吗?
好啦, 这只是比喻而已.
说话有技巧的人往往会比说话直接的人受欢迎, 对吗?
嗯.. 我想想, 这也不能这么说.
我的意思应该是.. .. ..
会看人家脸色和会在适当的情况下说话的人, 绝对很受欢迎.
你说话太有技巧, 可能就变成你常常兜圈子, 带人游花园,
至于说话直接, 一针见血的人, 往往都会刺伤了人家的心.
不过, 他们的出发点是好的.
人家比较能接受, 结果可能有很大的改变.
哎呀.. 我好像在兜圈子了. 哈哈..
当我期望很高时, 用了很多时间去做这一切,
换来没有一点赞美, 反而是一句又一句的批评.
我的心情就像从万丈高楼上跌进谷地的深层. 我会崩溃的啊.
太常的批评, 不见得是好事, 因为自信心绝对蒙受影响.
我深知那些评语是最诚实的, 全都是为我好的,
但是我希望那会是以另外一种方式说出来, 好的坏的我会欣然接受.
写这篇东西绝对没有 hard feeling,
只是有些话是很难说出口, 写的可能会比较好.
最后还是要说一声: 对不起, 谢谢. ^_^
你们希望接受婉转的评语, 还是一针见血的呢?
Friday, December 15, 2006
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This is coming from your supervisor? So bokasi!!! Whack!! Whack!! I sokong!!
erm.. i guess no1 like to be scold especially when u work your ass out for some1. i can fully understand the working environment in msia. the boss will give you shit if u ever make mistake. i had that experience before. i will prefer them to tell me what wrong with my solution n how i can improve n prevent to do the same mistake again.
Working here, we have more flexibility but that also means you have more responsibility. but i like it that way, they will let you do. but if u dont know. you should always ask n they will teach. i also did couple mistake but i apologize for it. they will wont give me big shit but will just say u lack of experience. something they will kidding, next time i will be reliable. hahaha... but that work out better to me. instead of like... scold me what the hell u did.. r u stupid.... those are just too harsh..
Lee Keong
angie, LeeKeong,
Nope la, it is not about my work. ^_^
Honestly, these days, people think too much. I don't know why, everytime I said something, people will think of another way, like I'm saying something hidden... Damn... Wish people can be simpler...
Just saw this post. Everyone is trying to learn, learning took time. Time will change someone. No one can change in one short.
hehehe.. suddenly think of my housemate n me. we always use AK to shot each others.. mayb that is the way we stay together.. when he see something no rite.. he will shot me if i see something wrong then i will yield at him... hehehehe... my frens always laugh what is the problem with u guys... we just said we always like this.
but like i said if i ever try my best n putting effort to thing,.. i dont wanto heard harsh comment lor. just tell me what wrong in calm way... i will take it that way.
Lee Keong
好鬼好笑, 自動詩
post 上黎你地的詩
wong, maybe they are just kidding with you. ^_^
Evelyn, 我大概就是太在意"一个人"的看法.
Vinson, you are learning for years! =.=
LeeKeong, haha.. it is just like my family. We used to shout (talk a bit loud only) here and there, people wondering whether we are quarrelling. Haha..
春田花花的同學, 我觉得很有诗意啊, 好笑咩?
BunBUn_FrAnkiE, 欢迎你啊.. ^_^ 喜欢你这句"忠言有必要逆耳但也不必一定逆耳".
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