Wednesday, September 06, 2006


大家都知道现今社会有多乱, 多危险.
哪儿像现在的匪徒非常猖狂, 明刀明枪的抢.
真该套用一句广东话: 正一係食塞米! >.<

前几天翻阅到一篇假车祸真打劫的报道: * 长话短说 *
相信是匪徒从后跟踪他们, 在一个路口趁机匿造车祸.
丈夫便吩咐太太留在车内, 把门锁好, 自个儿下车去看看.
因此觉得情况有点不对劲, 想拔腿跑人.
正当丈夫想转身离开之际, 一把刀已经落在他的脖子上.
其余的匪徒随后敲破车的玻璃, 迫使太太把钱交出来.
太太把包包向外抛去, 匪徒见钱眼开, 拾了钱就跑.

(大概是酱, 忘了. 如有错误, 尽情地纠正我. )

当人走到穷巷末路时, 什么肮脏的点子都会爆发出来.
歹徒便有机可乘, 抢车抢钱, 甚至抢人!
因此, 如果真的这么倒霉遇上这种情况,
我们应该尽可能驱车到人多, 车多, 灯光火着的地方才停下来检查,

假设你是假车祸真打抢的当事人, 可以怎么逃避啊?

⊿ 太太可以驾车逃难. 不行! 太自私了, 这样会把丈夫害死.
⊿ 太太可以打电话报警. 不行! 等到警察抵达, 蚊子都睡觉去了.
⊿ 太太可以响horn求助. 不行! 此举也许会激怒歹徒, 刺伤丈夫.
⊿ 丈夫可以抗匪. 不行! 对方人多势众, 打不过.
看! 除了乖乖就范就真的没有办法了.

当自己的车被撞, 难道不下车去理清是谁的错吗?
这是不可避免, 一定要下车的啊!
人家撞上你的车也不需要人家赔偿维修费. =.=

万一家里进贼, 可以响alarm把贼吓退.
不到一尺范围内, 它也不work! * 像我的酱 >.< *



唉.. 只能叹声一句: 当被衰人盯上时, 真的是防不胜防啊! >.<



◤kahyan™◢ said...



而且警察又是正牌samseng~看到他们=又要破财,靠不住了 =.=

啊,我想或许我们可以打扮到很穷很穷酱子,衣裤破烂...肯定不会引起歹徒的兴趣 :P

ikzq said...

太太 quickly enter reverse gear, 把丈夫和歹徒knock down. so can get insurance and keep the money. tata

jaNeSSe said...

Red Pigga, you have changed your name huh? =_=
Well, when accident happens, you still have time to go to your boot, take out the baseball stick?

kahyan, 衣裤破烂?? o_O 要酱咩? 那不久以后就会看见满街都是衣裤破烂的人. So 以后的 trend 是歹徒会找穿着最破烂的人来抢, 因为穿得越破烂就是越有钱! 哈哈..

ikzq, 大哥, 你很没良心jek? 你不知道谋杀丈夫是claim不到保险的咩? =_=

Anonymous said...

i heard million of these news in malaysia even tho i'm 10 thousand miles away. first of all, if i ever driving a truck n i see these buggles i will run over them for sure...for the ppl their hurt... nowadays they are getting crazy... they not even taking money but they hurt ppl too... run them over for god sake...

1)dont carry too much cash, use cheque, credit card, or debit card(i dont know whether malaysia has it or not)
2)always keep a protective equipment like pepper spray, baseball stick with you or in ur car.
3)if anyone see this thing happen, what u need to do is just take down their plate number n give a call to police. who know wat police gona do. but we do over part. you dont have to be hero but at least u call police.
4)if you are followed by someone, dont rush to ur car, go to restaurant or crowded place n give ur frens or relatives a call or wait them to go away.
5)if u bang by someone, go to crowded place or nearest police station to stop especially u just come out from the bank with big cash.
6)i will really think goverment n police need to do something. at least MCA do something. how many victims are chinese?? there are few victims were seriouly injured n death.
7) your life is more than anything. if u ever into their trap, give them the money. dont be hero or stupid. it's not worth to get urself killed. hero worth nothing compare ur life!!!


Anonymous said...

well janesse...when accident happens...i will make sure how many people inside the car...normally...if alone then its ok la...

i had a accident also...hmm....chinese new year two years ago la....he is alone....i hit him at the back....but i get the claim from his insurance la...haha....he even told me he din see me 0.o....
now days really anything could happen if we dont be prepare then bad things will happen to us la.....i agree what "KAHYAN" say about mr.police is a license samsing la...haha....but to me they also a nice friend...because if you try to talk to then in the nice way they will release you ga la....

i know...because i've ever try this before la...haha....let then see what you carry along in your car...if they say its illegal then you told them "if the gangster rob me and what should i do??"
good luck tryin la...

jaNeSSe said...

LeeKeong, Haha.. I like this "if i ever driving a truck n i see these buggles i will run over them for sure".. But you would get involved in a murder case, not worth to it. Ha! Anyway, thanks for all your good suggestions! ^_^

murphy, you said you will make sure how many person in the car, right? So what if his car got more than one man like what happened in the case and you are alone?? Just curious to ask. =)

Anonymous said...

haih... i just cant bear it anymore. why all these criminal keep growing. y is not economic?? i just wondering is that any action been taken in malaysia?? i didnt read newspaper 1. but really hope some1 will taking care of this issue!!! when my frens said they wanto travel to msia. i have to warn them about this. wat a shame. everything is beauty.

lee keong

Anonymous said...

janesse...hmm...if there is more than one person in the car then i will make sure i get my base ball stick ready beside me lo...if quarrel also can use not small and thin also la...dun worry...1 fight 2 also can....haha....and i will make sure i will win with my base ball stick....yeah!!

jaNeSSe said...

LeeKeong, luckily you din read newspaper, otherwise you will faint! Everyday open up the newspaper sure got one or two cases about this type of crimes.. =.= Scary man...

murphy, hey, you get down from your car then bring the baseball stick in hand ah? If I see you, I will straight away call police la! Macam gangster and ask for fight.. Hahah..

Anonymous said...

baseball 棍没乜实际
你以为轻啊? 你钋得几多轮
男仔就或者可以 女仔又点啊?
如果唔系 我睇你最少俾人劈十几刀
唔系他死 就系你返唔到屋企

体型较细 轻 女性比较容易携带
杀伤力低 预防能力高 唔易搞出人命
如果唔系 个贼俾你用 baseball 棍
打鬼死左 我都唔知道后果会系点
唔好话俾我知道你系自卫 所以没罪
而家打死人 罪系入硬 睇个官点判jek
karyan 唔系话公众大家唔互相帮忙
如果个贼系赤手空拳 我都义不容辞
飞身过去 插眼 琐喉 蛟剪脚
但如果个贼系拿住刀 或者 中国黑星
你会去帮手? 点帮啊?拿住把西瓜刀
出去同个贼 piang 过? 定系用山猪枪射他
如果你答 - 系
我就真系要送你去青山 check check
帮人都要量力而为 如果唔系
只会好心做坏事 帮倒忙而已
唯一可以做的系 记得匪徒容貌 特征
案发经过 车牌号码 以及马上报警

ps 岩岩返到黎 好鬼累 下次再补充

Anonymous said...

haha...ya janesse...if i do like this then if there is somebody who wanna rob me then they will start to give up la....haha...its better to call the police rather get rob or even killed by those thief la....agree??have to read the news which there is a case happen in megamall??a girl was killed rite??she was my school friend...cant believe rite??i was shock also la....this is y i rather call the police then killed by those robber lo....

jaNeSSe said...

春田花花的同学, 电殛棒好似係犯法o既哦. 乜野係"中国黑星"?

murphy, just wanna say, sometimes police can't help at all. Ya, I heard about the news, the gal was so pity.

Anonymous said...

中国黑星 - 手枪
平时你睇港产片时 d 大圈仔
用黎食大茶饭 那些 枪

电殛棒 << 系有伪装的
表面系一支电筒 打开头面
里面就可以 电到你飞起
(pasar midnight 有好多)

唔通baseball 棍唔会?
或者你会念 当警察 blocking
"米话我系 打 baseball 的lu"
你当 d 警察系 lulu 啊
如果你系生成 贼眉贼眼
他相信你系贼 多过你要预防贼

系电殛棒 你应该买支旁边身!!

jaNeSSe said...

春田花花的同学, 如果我拎电殛棒, 我驚我LUN LUN ZUN ZUN, 自己SOT到自己. 哈哈..

Anonymous said...


jaNeSSe said...

jimmychin如果对方姓马的, 周围又没什么人,

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